Saturday, December 3, 2011

Let's blow off the dust... maybe transform this blog into something else...

Well, I got all nostalgic and decided to begin again with the writing on my blog...

It is the feast day of Saint Xavier, and at my house (a house filled with good Catholic men, titled Xavier house) we have celebrated. We had a feast and some basketball, then today we go play some football, and we finish it off with more food (but no feast.) I pray that Saint Xavier watches over all men who have lived in this house and gives us the courage to be the evangelists God wants us to be.

Nerf has fallen to the wayside in my life, I'm afraid. It has fallen away to airsoft (with no small part from concerned members of my church, whose gym we use as an arena.) What is airsoft? It is like nerf, but more realistic, more spaced out and it hurts worse. I'll put up some helpful links if you are curious. In essence, airsoft allows for one to experience all the fun parts of combat (shooting at people, tactics, cool military gear) without tacking all the other, less fun parts of combat (severe injury, death, PTSD, etc.)
   Kind of in the same topic: Airsoft is now being suggested by military psychologists to help those who come home adapt to the civilian life, and also to help those with PTSD to heal their scars. I cannot tell you how many men (I'm sorry, I have seen few women who do airsoft) I have seen who do airsoft. 6 part series of airsofters 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

"...Exult, all creation around God's throne..."

Truly, This is a most blessed night and a righteously glorious morning! for our Lord and God has risen from the dead! May the name of Jesus Christ be ever on our lips as we celebrate these holy days of the celebration of Easter. how beautiful it is that our God would stoop down to such a level to give us His graces, Sacraments, and even Himself so we can under-appreciate His infinite love for us! What a God have we! no words can proclaim appropriately just how glorious and loving our God is: to have given His Son and Himself to us unworthy, despite our constant rejections, despite our constant failures, despite our infinitely lower nature, and then to give to us even more through the Sacraments!


I feel greedy asking for more, but I ask that God will pour even more blessings upon His wife, The Church! may Her pews break from overcrowding and overuseage! may the blessings of the Sacraments pour down upon us until we die from an explosion of love and grace! may His mercy pour upon all who desire it, and may His sorrowful tears rain down on all who do not wish for His mercy! I pray, with the most fervent heart, that God shout into the ears of the Called, that they may hear and do God's will, and that I be called as well!


I hope this does not come across in the wrong way... I'll get off my soapbox now...

Pax Christi.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

a few rules to lay down...

I will be blunt and to the point as I can with this set of rules for how to conduct yourself in a seemingly harmless nerf fight.

     notice how this rule is dedicated to rule 0. this rule sums up all of the other rules. if you are smart, you do not need the rest of the rules (note: intelligence does not assume smarts.)
    my blunt LT says "don't hang with stupid people." the less stupid people you bring along, the less often rule 0 will be broken.
    if you have painted nerf guns, are wearing combat vests, or are doing anything that looks out of the ordinary; people will notice and call authorities. It does NOT matter if you are on your private property, have a space reserved, or if you have notified the authorities of your actions. someone who is stupid will notice and become alarmed.
    Murphy's law is always in effect. I had a situation where I reserved a gym at a church grounds (private church property) and there was no Mass occurring at any time that day. someone passed by the gym window, noticed, and complained that we were some sort of "paramilitary" that was shooting guns at each other. this situation was seamless, until a stupid person came unto the scene.

    stupid people are everywhere, you cannot avoid them, but you CAN reduce the amount of stupid people who become relevant to you and your nerf fight. take care not to let too many into your battle.

Nerf Tactics: Scenario Tactics: Infected

This comes in many names, but is limited to the idea of some sort of zombie scenario.
from an external perspective, Squad warfare being used with this would be confusing and difficult even when all players understand the rules well.

there is one side that plays as the "zombies." They have an unlimited number of lives (and may or may not be limited in use of certain weapons.)

the other side has only one life per person, but no limits to weapons.

the zombie group starts out as only one or two people. it slowly grows until the zombies far outnumber the humans. the last human(s) to survive win the round.

friendly fire will not be tolerated, as all bullets are infected, and will turn all who are hit by bullets into the infected.

in a close to distant combat situation like this, I find my best success in a group/ squad of 4-5 people. it is not too large that to get tight knit would be a problem, while it also increases your ability to apply saturation fire if the necessity permits.

rule 1 of small group squads: keep on the low down as a squad. the less-experienced people will follow those who have proven themselves in battle in such a situation like this. they give your position away, have less fire discipline, less combat discipline, and will be an overall liability. the bottom line is: DON'T LET THE OTHER HUMANS LATCH ON. they will be your undoing.
       a good way to disappear is in the very beginning, when everyone's focus is on the one guy. this is (from the moment the beginning is sounded) a rapidly closing window that is lost after 10 seconds at the most (5 seconds is an appropriate goal)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nerf Tactics: Scenario Tactics: Squad Warfare

Squad Warfare is a way of improving teamwork on either side of a conflict. Squad warfare also makes the fight both longer and more interesting. Squad warfare is not exactly a Scenario, but a set of rules by which you can play a scenario.

RULES: they are complex and confusing to write in longhand form, so I'll shorten them down

squads can be any number, from two to 30
In each squad there is/are:
1 Leader, who has infinite "Revivals (Revives)"
(in case of bigger numbers, "medics" who also have infinite "revives" can be installed)
X number of regular grunts (all who are not medics nor leaders) who have 1 "revive"
if all members of a squad are down and cannot be revived, then the squad is eliminated and cannot enter combat for the remainder of the round (unless some arbitrary referee says otherwise)

if you are hit (anywhere) you must go down on one knee with at least one hand on your head and NEITHER hand on the firing end of the weapon (i.e hand touching the grip on your weapon, or finger touching the trigger)
to revive someone, you must place BOTH hands on BOTH shoulders of the one who is down. 
revives only work within a squad (one CANNOT revive an enemy or non-squadmate)

if you have taken down an enemy, it is not technically against the rules to "puppyguard" the down foe, but it is EXTREMELY unsporting and therefore unrequested.

usually it works best to have the grunts be the ones who save their revives for the Leader or medic. 

for those who are attacking a squad, simple "divide and conquer" tactics have worked all too well, flanking is always a good tactic, as well. other than that, simply "be a better squad than them" is a good mentality for winning.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nerf Tactics: Small-arms Tactics: Nerf Stampede ECS

just a really cool picture of one

Nerf N-Strike Stampede ECS
Length: 2.5'
Rng: S-M
Electronic Automatic
Clip System
Safety Switch, foregrip

this weapon is a really good idea. it really is. an automatic Nerf gun that uses clips and is not as bulky as the Nerf Vulcan. when I saw it being advertised, I nearly peed my pants I was so excited. it had looks, plenty of rail space (for all my fun gadgets), a cool-pseudo-bullpup look to it, AND it even had a shield and convertible bipod/foregrip! even before I fired it, I loved it! all the batteries it required gave it a very nice-feeling weight, and the fact that I didn't need to cock the gun to check my ammo was phenomenal!
Two things I also enjoyed: the safety switch and the clip release (two really small things, I know; but I still like them)

then I fired it. this is where the gun becomes a horror story.
it had little to no effective range. the darts came out slower than a paraplegic convalescent who travels by crawling, and there was a half a second time interval between the trigger pull and the dart actually being fired (this may seem like a trifle until you are in a CQB environment, where a tenth of a second is almost too long). I was heartbroken! I wanted SOOOOOO much for this gun to be the best gun since the Longshot, or even an improvement on the Vulcan, but it doesn't even come close!
even in a field test, I tried using it in combat and ended up feeling embarrassed as an enemy well within normal Nerf gun range was too far away for my stampede to reach!
in short: I love the looks of it, IT HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!!, but the performance is pathetic.

The Stampede's low rate of fire and restricted range make this gun at best difficult to utilize unless one was providing cover fire in a CQB environment.

I do not mean to insult the engineers, who undoubtedly spent months designing the Nerf guns. I just tell things like they are. I do not know exactly what restrictions are in place to protect the lawsuit-happy, but I do know this: the Stampede could use some better mechanics (it has been done!). if anybody from Hasbro is reading this and does feel insulted, my apologies.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Nerf Tactics: Small-arms Tactics: Nerf firefly rev-8

Nerf N-Strike Firefly Rev-8
length: 15"
bullpup style top-pump action
revolving clip
dart holders on stock
gun lights
medium-long range

I don't care much for this weapon. I'm also not the most open-loadout guy either, I like to keep to the general things that work and that's it. this gun is good. do not think that I don't suggest this, but I will nitpick at this gun. although the gun is short for a good useage in a CQB environment, the cocking mechanism (located on the back of the gun) is unweildly to use and impossible to cock while the gun is at your shoulder. the rotating barrel is compatible with almost any other dart EXCEPT the streamline darts (which are hte only darts i carry). I've never cared for the rotating barrels, because they make it difficult at best to reload in a combat situation. the dart holders on the back of the gun are a good addition and do make up (somewhat) for the lack of a clip system.the lights... COMPLETELY USELESS unless you are trying to draw attention to yourself while in a dark room.

the Firefly Rev-8 is a suitable weapon for both long distances and for close encounters. despite being difficult to cock while in a combat situation, this weapon is a good choice for a nerf arsenal.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nerf Tactics: Small-arms Tactics: Nerf Vulcan EBF-25

Nerf N-strike Vulcan
length: 2.5'
Chain- Fed open bolt action

folding tripod
Medium-long range

to me, this weapon could be ten times better and it would be in my compliment of weapons if the darned thing has a stock on the back of the gun! the handle is  just too small and I don't like shooting from the hip. to regard the chain, it would be nice if the chain was not as expensive as it is, prolonging fight time. another bone to pick is the slow rate of fire. I like the idea of automatic nerf guns, but the ROF on this is pitifully low. in general, it would make a good gun for someone who is not me.

the Vulcan is a preferable support weapon, although it has a low rate of fire, it is still extremely effective for forcing enemies to take cover. It neither has portability nor the right accuracy for an assault purpose. to conclude: this weapon is made for stationary suppressive support, and not much else.  

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nerf Tactics: Small-arms Tactics: Nerf Nitefinder.

Nerf N-strike Nitefinder
length: 8"
Pullback action
"tactical laser/light"
Short range

This one is a fickle weapon. I've used some that are the most reliable weapon I've used. others I have been given have been no more useful than decoration. I there fore don't know what to say about them. they're a wonderful concealed weapon, and they're meant to be a sidearm due to their very slow reload time (about 3 seconds per bullet) the "tactical laser" that they have is a poor excuse of a light with a very crude focusing beam. all in all, I say this weapon is a dice roll. i can be the most reliable weapon you've had, it could be the worst hunk of junk you've ever used.

the Nitefinder is a simple, stripped down nerf gun. it has a simple pull-back action that pulls the spring for the plunger. as a whole, this weapon is a generally reliable weapon, manufacturing anomalies may cause the weapon to become unreliable or even useless. this weapon has a range that is suited for short range fighting only and is therefore reserved for sidearm purposes only.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Nerf Tactics: Scenario Tactics: Assaulting & Defending a target

the names for this scenario are as numerous as there are nuns in a convent: Capture the flag, Bomb Escort, Search and destroy, base assault, etc. The basic structure of the game is one team is assaulting a fixed base to get to an object or to destroy all the targets. this is a review of common tactics and the most suggested approach to the game.

ASSAULTING: this team has a clear advantage in the game. not by numbers, but by mere spread. whereas the defending team has one spot to stick to, the attacking team  has a 360 degree range to attack from, which puts all those defending in a very hard spot. the most common and successful tactic is to spread out and attack weak points when they are exposed. they find weak points by staying just at the edge of the range of the guns. this wastes their ammunition and buys you time to mount an offensive against their weak points.
   I (being the guy who loves the game for its tactical enrichment) would suggest you try a different approach to the scenario just because the tactic for the offensive is so simple and used so often it's too easy to win. Instead of surrounding and attacking, you could stick together as a team and attack one spot, or it could just be a charge to see how far one can get in. 
To win, I would suggest the common surround and destroy tactic just because of its success rate and its simplicity.

DEFENDING: I'll tell you this: you got the shortest end of the stick. to defend one spot is the hardest thing I've ever done in a war. In the scenarios I've seen, I've noticed one tactic that seems to delay the attacking forces the best: choke points. A choke point is a spot where you direct the other forces into a small area. this allows you to concentrate your fire into one place, increasing kill ratios. other tactics I've seen were multi-stage bases (effective if the defending team is larger than 15 people), decoy bases (DO NOT do this idea, it effectively grants the enemy cover), and gauntlets (long choke points, highly suggested). another suggested tactic would be to have snipers (armed with the non Nerf-approved blowguns) posted in a well-armored tower. other than those suggestions, I have no assured victory to you. If the defending team does win, I would appreciate it if you posted your defense tactic in the comments below.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Birthday meditations

I have to say that God has truly blessed me in my life. not only has he placed me in the company of so many holy men and women, but he has placed all of us in one of the most beautiful places I've ever known: Bellingham, Washington. As I was walking on my way to get to Fairhaven, I noticed the pure beauty in the bay when it was choppy. I could notice the different shades of green and blue that I would never notice when the bay was calm. I feel blessed that God gave me a day that was just as I imagined Bellingham. the wind was blowing at a good clip, with a temperature that was just cold enough to make me feel good. i feel disappointed that less people came than I imagined, but I take joy in the fact that it means MORE FOOD FOR ME! lolololololololol

Monday, January 31, 2011

Nerf Tactics: Small-arms Tactics: Nerf Maverick

Nerf N-Strike Maverick
Length: 10"
Top pump-action
rotating barrel
Short-Medium range

This is the REAL first N-Strike Weapon to my knowledge. it might be contested that the nightfire was first, but I don't care. this weapon is even more reliable than any other small arms Nerf weapon I know. the only downfall I've seen on this weapon is the fact that this weapon is not clip-fed, which takes away tons of time to refill the ammunition.

this weapon is, due to lack of reload time, short range, and conveniently small size makes this weapon perfect for a sidearm.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nerf Tactics: Small-arms Tactics: Nerf Recon CS-6

length: approx. 12"
top pump-action
clip fed
interchangeable stock
barrel extension
short-medium range

this weapon is a weapon that has constantly cheated on me, even though I have treated it like it was my own. the idea of a weapon that can change into three completely different types of weapons is a great one, and I still love the Recon, even though it's range is garbage and it is about as unreliable as your teammates in CODMW2. it jams too easily and the spring is not easy to modify, so, when your recon dies, IT'S DEAD and there's no ressurections.

this weapon is a well-rounded weapon for a CQB range. it does not give away much profile and allows the user to peek around corners without losing an angle of fire. the removeable stock and barrel make this gun especially suited as a sidearm, as it maintains a slim profile and, (since it is a clip-fed weapon), is very capable to be reloaded. unfortunately, despite its ability to shoot at mid-range, it is not reliable enough of a weapon to be used as a regular rifle for mid-range and therefore is only effective at short ranges. it is suggested for use as a pistol.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nerf Tactics: Small-arms Tactics: Nerf Longshot CS-6


length: 2-2.5'
clip fed
built-in bipod
stock clip storage
Medium-Long range

this weapon was my first actual taste of Nerf weapons, therefore it has a special place in my heart. this weapon was the first weapon of the extensive N-STRIKE series. when it comes out of the box, it had a great long range. unfortuneately, when you own this gun for a long time, the range goes down to a medium or even short range unless you upgrade it.
on the subject of upgrading this weapon (from LT "Bladelord"): I highly suggest it as a beginning weapon to start with. with a little observation, you can take this apart with ease. the spring is supposed to be a cinch to remove and interchange.
back to the weapon. I find this weapon to be the most reliable weapon I have come across. after a full year and a half of ownership, it still fires at a medium range with its origiinal spring, and rarely jams.

this weapon is (in light of the many other weapons) not preferable for a CQB environment. it fires at a slow rate and is too long, especially with a barrel extension. this weapon was made for long ranges and sniping. it can still be effective for a mid-range weapon, though. therefore it is best suited as an assault rifle.

one of many new nerf-related posts...

Upon review of the plethora of Nerf weapons I have encountered, and the many internal questions of which weapon is best for which, I have decided to initiate a series in my blog called "Nerf Tactics."
One section will describe the outstanding attributes of a Nerf weapon (including the general relative range), my personal commentary on the weapon, and the arbitrary opinion for its use. this opinion is not based off of my liking for the weapon, but on the various attributes. this section will be called Small-arms Tactics
Another section of this series will be a summation of different games, their rules and ways to win them.
there will be other sections as I think of them. this section will be called Scenario Tactics

Monday, January 17, 2011

mmm..... good food and a food movie... Imma get fat!

I am having the best food day of my life...

I am sitting on my couch after eating a great meal of fried eggs and fried mushrooms and onions. and now I'm watching the movie Julie & Julia. this movie is without a doubt the funniest movie I've ever seen!!! she has just tried to cook three lobsters (live!) and when she put them in the pot and put on the lid, the lobsters kicked the lid off the pot and the lid flew to the ceiling! it was too funny to watch!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

my people... sons and daughters of Helghan...

this much, I know: the history of these days will be written in blood. by crushing the armies of our enemy, by seizing the weapons they thought to turn against us, we were fighting for our very existence. but if those who will deny us peace refuse us our rightful place in the universe,the we will be forced to unleash such terrible vengence that generations yet unborn will cry out in anguish!"
~ Scholar Visari addressing the people of Helghan

let this be the recorded: war has been declared upon Lieutenant "Bladelord" by General "Broadstorm" . The General had this to say on his statement: "let him hide behind his shield... he will be hunted."

(I hope this war does not become serious, though...)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

a small meditation (I wish I could say it in Latin... that would be cool!)

as I was reading a book titled "the grunt padre" I noticed a large portion of the book (in the beginning) had the recurring theme of heroes of the decades. as I thought about it. it made me think about who my heroes were. I was almost shocked to find no heroes in the media, which is a source of heroes for many people. even more shocking, as I looked deeper, I found that the "heroes" that some find are really just as un-heroic as the villains themselves.
   The media (meaning movies and games for this convenient moment.) have all had some take of starting off something with a defined good and bad side, and then the person who is on the good side notices the rotten core of his side and the good in the bad side and.. well.. they never finish.
   this is a main thing you see nowadays. the basis of the hero has been torn to shreds and now, all we have left are "heroes" who have good intentions, but purposefully will do everything against their morals (if they have them) to accomplish that end. this does not make them heroes. this makes them just as immoral, unjust, and hateful as the villains themselves. and the easily misled find these figures as heroes to look up to.
   on the other side, there haven't been many heroes to find these days. most of the heroes we find are outwardly heroes, but turn out to be more out for themselves and not for others, while the people who many find AS heroes are people like blessed mother Theresa, JPII, and many other who, not by coincidence, happen to be part of some sort of christian denomination (I can't speak for others in other nations, just for my society.)

if you read this and notice anything wrong, or have something to add on, or even just have something to say. please post it in the comments below.