Tuesday, October 19, 2010

warriors for christ

I'm gonna tell you a little bit about myself because I am a very prideful being and need to blow up that pride on my own personal blog!!! yayy!!!

to start off: I am not myself and Catholic, I am Catholic and myself. the difference is between whether we are Catholic by incident of birth or force, or chose to take the plunge into the Catholic faith. for about 17 years I was one of those who happened to be Catholic by birth, a "cradle catholic" by definition. I didn't know snuff about the catholic faith, it's history, it's stance, or even the role of the pope. When I was 15, the attacks against my faith were brought to light. For the first time I was challenged as a catholic to find a stance, and instead of finding out that stance, I decided to take the popular vote. I soon became a supporter of abortions thinking "this is not a matter for a man... this is the woman's problem, let them duke it out."
As I started to fall deeper into the pit of popularity, I began to support gay rights and marriages and I began to hate the Church. instead of thinking "I gotta go to church" on Sunday, I was thinking "church is a waste of my time." and it only fed the fires. I began to become friends with an avid atheist who, at every chance, began to rag on the church, saying that it was filled with immorality and led by a corrupt pope. I began to believe him. I began to see flaws in the people of the Church, and instead of doing something to stop them, I did NOTHING! I began to doubt my faith and God and think that it was useless to pray, because He would not listen because I began to doubt even in His existence!
when my father and mother decided I would be doing homeschooling, I threw a fit. That is the only way of  saying it: I threw a fit. I yelled and screamed that I would never be doing homeschooling... especially Catholic homeschooling because I believed and was afraid that I would be brainwashed into being Catholic like my parents. Finally, my father said "you have a choice: do homeschooling, or live somewhere else." and so, I was homeschooling.

some time soon I will come out with part two!

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