RULES: they are complex and confusing to write in longhand form, so I'll shorten them down
squads can be any number, from two to 30
In each squad there is/are:
1 Leader, who has infinite "Revivals (Revives)"
(in case of bigger numbers, "medics" who also have infinite "revives" can be installed)
X number of regular grunts (all who are not medics nor leaders) who have 1 "revive"
if all members of a squad are down and cannot be revived, then the squad is eliminated and cannot enter combat for the remainder of the round (unless some arbitrary referee says otherwise)
if you are hit (anywhere) you must go down on one knee with at least one hand on your head and NEITHER hand on the firing end of the weapon (i.e hand touching the grip on your weapon, or finger touching the trigger)
to revive someone, you must place BOTH hands on BOTH shoulders of the one who is down.
revives only work within a squad (one CANNOT revive an enemy or non-squadmate)
if you have taken down an enemy, it is not technically against the rules to "puppyguard" the down foe, but it is EXTREMELY unsporting and therefore unrequested.
usually it works best to have the grunts be the ones who save their revives for the Leader or medic.
for those who are attacking a squad, simple "divide and conquer" tactics have worked all too well, flanking is always a good tactic, as well. other than that, simply "be a better squad than them" is a good mentality for winning.